6 Things Bandersnatch Should Have Done Better

6 Things Bandersnatch Should Have Done Better


Okay, now that’s taken care of … I watched Netflix’s interactive Black Mirror experience film, Bandersnatch. It’s not good. As a choose-your-own-adventure, it offers a number of potential narratives and allows the viewer to choose between them, exploring the different threads. But they’re actually all really dull story arcs. In fact, not one of them would hold up as an actual Black Mirror episode. (And there’s some pretty bad Black Mirror episodes.)

But this isn’t a review.

What interests me is what Bandersnatch could have been. Because it does do one very interesting thing. In every one of its arcs, the protagonist comes to realize that he’s being controlled by an outside force (us), going so far as to both try and resist decisions we make for him, and even speak to us. (You can even let him know that he’s in a show from the future on something called Netflix, which I’ll admit was pretty fun.) Essentially, the film is self-aware.

But this cool idea is wasted, I’m afraid. Exploring how the different narratives connect and interact makes up the entirety of Bandersnatch’s enjoyment value. And it gets old pretty fast.


So here are 6 things it could have done to be better

Z1.3 Into the Spider-Verse: Narrative Structures

Z1.3 Into the Spider-Verse: Narrative Structures

This is a supplementary post to a previous post: 1.2 Narrative Structures. In it we’ll look at Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse as an example of my personal favorite structure: Two Quests.

SPOILERS. (Obviously.)

1.3 Narrative Structures

1.3 Narrative Structures

In the previous post, we took a minute to define what exactly makes up a story. Literally. Breaking Story down into its fundamental components. We then used these to build it back up again.

Today we’re going to look at narrative structures. We’ll explore classical structures you’re probably familiar with, some which maybe you haven’t seen; then finally, end off with how I personally tend to structure my narratives.

So let’s jump in!

1.1 What is a Story?

1.1 What is a Story?

Story writing is such a big subject. There’s so, so much to talk about. So much to think about. I expect in future posts we’ll be doing some pretty deep dives. I’ve found one of the easiest mistakes to make, however, is taking stuff granted. Assuming I know what I know. Assuming that I’m right. So let’s start this off putting first things first.

What is a story?

5 Things to Remember When Writing “Scary”

5 Things to Remember When Writing “Scary”

Of the thirteen known months, October is by far the spoo-o-o-o-o-okiest. (Sorry, Febru-scary.) And in the spirit of this month’s general macabre-ishness, here’s a post about writing ‘scary’. Specifically, what DOES and does NOT work when you’re trying to turn your prose into … boos. (Ghostly boos, that is, not ‘you suck’ boos.)

So here’s a list of six BOOS and BOO-NOTS to remember when writing scary stories.



It’s no surprise the latest season of BoJack Horseman is (with little room for doubt) the strongest in the series so far. We’ve already come to know the characters: who they are, why they are, and what made them that way. We’re aware of the stakes: living their lives, these people constantly put their health and sanity on the line. Just waking up, they risk psychological destruction; they risk destroying each other every single day. The show’s world has grown large enough to provide endless ammunition dumb-but-awesome animal puns and smart-but-accessible meta-humour. And best of all, the quality has never dropped off. Each season experiments with what was already done in the previous, adding new flavours, new toppings into the mix. Funnier than before. Darker, more introspective. No wonder it only seems to get better.

Nightmare at the Museum

Nightmare at the Museum

My first real experience of a modern art museum was not more than a couple years ago when I travelled to Los Angeles. Now, I claim no expertise on any kind of (visual) art, but in the few experiences I’ve had since that trip, I’ve noticed something about modern art museums. They are, at once, fascinating and off-putting. I would even say they can be a little disturbing. Upsetting.

Why Science Zombies are Bullshit

Why Science Zombies are Bullshit

Science zombies are bullshit.

Yeah, I said it. And yeah, I know this isn’t exactly a timely subject to have a hot take on. As far as cultural obsessions go, zombies* have shambled their merry way right up to the precipice of pop-culture indifference, with only a step or two more to send them reeling over the edge.

Who knows; maybe this post will supply that final push they need


Welcome to my new blog!!

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you may just number among my most veracious of readers and fans. Which means there’s about a 50/50 chance you EVER read a post from my previous blog. I can’t really blame you here. That thing pretty much consisted of ultra-dense movie reviews with perspectives no one ever asked for or needed.

I’ll will be better, I swear. I’ll still talk about movies but try to limit myself with stuff people might actually be interested in.

That’s all for now.

Be good.